Category News

5 Reasons Why a Content Audit Is Useful

If you’re wondering how to move the needle on your website’s performance in search, conducting an SEO content audit is an essential first step.  This systematic review serves as a comprehensive health check for your brand’s online presence, surfacing issues…

Conducting an SEO Content Audit

If your organization has been publishing content for many years, chances are your website has more content than you can keep track of. This makes managing a content strategy harder than it needs to be. When you don’t know what…

What Makes a B2B SEO Content Strategy Unique?

TopRank Marketing has worked with clients in both the B2B and B2C realms over the last two decades. In that time, we have definitely witnessed the much-discussed convergence of these two previously diametric categories; the so-called consumerization of B2B. But…

Should You Still Use Twitter (X) for B2B Marketing?

Ever since Elon Musk bought Twitter and rebranded it “X,” it seems like a day can’t go by without the social media platform making headlines.  In the wake of increasing controversies including a substantial rise in bot traffic and hate…

Why You Need a Keyword Strategy and How to Create One

Trying to build an SEO strategy without a keyword strategy is like trying to build a plane without wings. It’s going nowhere. Expert-led keyword research and planning are foundational to successful SEO, no matter the business, industry, or audience. This…

How to Choose the Right Tech Marketing Agency

It’s a tough time for the tech industry. Big Tech continues to experience painful job cuts and layoffs, while players throughout the space are struggling against tight budgets, stagnant growth and thickening competition. In this environment, marketers are under pressure…

SEO Website Design: Building a Search-friendly Brand Hub

Your brand’s website design might tick all the visually appealing boxes, but is it stunning to search engines? Effective SEO website design focuses on creating a user-friendly experience, encompassing aspects like mobile responsiveness, content visibility, and intuitive navigation. These factors…

How Should LinkedIn Algorithm Changes Affect Your Strategy?

B2B marketers recognize that the audience on LinkedIn is immensely valuable: more than 1 billion professionals scrolling their feeds with a career-focused mindset. It’s a fantastic platform for B2B marketing activities and the numbers bear that out. But marketers also…

The 6 Fundamentals of an SEO Link Building Strategy

One of the big reasons why Google revolutionized search engines when it launched in 1998 was its PageRank algorithm, which rewarded pages based on how many other websites were linking to them.  Evaluating links has proven such a reliable method…

Try These Top B2B Influencer Marketing Tactics

You’ve probably heard about B2B influencer marketing. The strategy has exploded in adoption, with a 2023 Ogilvy study finding that 75% of B2B businesses are leveraging influencers in their campaigns.  Even if you have a general idea of how and…

The State of Digital Transformation in B2B In 2024

For B2B companies, digital transformation is not a destination; it’s an ongoing journey. Marketers must continuously assess and adapt their marketing technology stack to remain competitive, meet evolving customer expectations, and seize new opportunities in the digital landscape.  As digital…

SEO Content Strategy: From Basic to Advanced

Just about everyone knows what SEO is these days, and nearly every professional brand has at least a basic content strategy in place to rank for relevant keywords and attract organic attention. The more crowded the internet becomes with these…

The Growing Importance of Social Media in B2B Marketing

From MySpace to Meta, social media has been through more evolutions than a deck of Pokémon. Today’s platforms offer a multimedia-rich ecosystem, ultimately shaping modern digital culture and commerce. Customer behavior has grown in tandem with these platforms as users…

What’s Involved in a Technical SEO Audit?

Search engines are getting far better at figuring out and matching a searcher’s intent. That means that a big part of search engine optimization (SEO) is writing great content that meets the search intent for specific terms. Great content isn’t…

Building an SEO Strategy in 2024

Algorithms. Always-on strategies. Artificial intelligence. The arena of search engine optimization is being transformed by a vast array of different forces – and we’re still only at the top of the alphabet. For business leaders and marketers, attempting to keep…

How to Measure B2B Influencer Marketing ROI

Are you feeling the pressure to prove your marketing team’s ROI? If so, you’re in good company. In our 2023 B2B Influencer Marketing Report, 93% of the marketers we surveyed said they’re being pushed to prove their ROI. Of them,…