Category News

SEO in 2025: Adapting to Google’s New Reality

In the latter half of 2023 and throughout 2024, the SEO landscape has been thrown into upheaval. Monumental updates and changes have left many small- and mid-size websites reeling, especially in niches where they once outperformed larger competitors. The reality…

Try These 7 B2C Influencer Marketing Tactics for B2B Success

Despite their differences, business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) influencer marketing share several key similarities.  Both audiences seek value, with a strong emphasis on trust, credibility, and social proof. They are actively engaged online and respond well to relevant, high-quality content.…

Content Localization Tips From the Experts

Content localization can be a time-consuming, research-intensive process, which is probably why it’s often overlooked — even by big brands that otherwise have highly robust and effective SEO strategies in place. But that’s also what could make it such a…

The Big Guide to Organic Social Media Marketing

Do you want to be the Dollar Shave Club of B2B marketing on social media? In a market filled with countless razor companies, the brand found a way to stand out, building a strong online community and achieving significant growth…

Best B2B Marketing Content for Each Funnel Stage

B2B content marketing is no longer restricted to white papers and case studies. It can’t be. B2B buyers — otherwise known as humans like the rest of us — demand more variety, more creativity, and more relevance than the old…

How to Create Unique Content for Better SEO

Why does unique content matter? Consider Janis Joplin. On a technical level, Janis’ voice isn’t great. Her pitch is wobbly; her tone is nasal and gritty; her range is limited. There are hundreds of people waiting tables right now who…

Which Factors Matter Most for Winning SEO Rankings?

The inner workings of the Google search algorithm have long been considered one of the great mysteries in digital marketing.  Specific ranking factors, and how they are weighted, can be difficult to nail down due to the complexity, dynamism and…

How SEO and SEM Strategies Work Together

Search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) are different forms of digital marketing that require distinct skill sets and approaches, but one is not complete without the other.  Utilized correctly, SEO and SEM complement each other, allowing a…

What Does a B2B Marketing Funnel Really Look Like?

The concept of a marketing funnel is one of the core differentiators between B2B marketing and B2C marketing.  This audience-centered model creates a tangible and visual depiction of the long and complex nature of B2B purchase cycles, while also providing…

How to Build a B2B Video Marketing Strategy

B2B video marketing has emerged as a powerful strategy for engaging with business decision makers and driving business growth. By incorporating video into your B2B marketing strategy, you can effectively communicate your brand message, nurture leads, and establish your company…